
Current News items are produced by Communications Officer. We strongly rely on parents, teachers, district organizations, students, and students clubs to provide us with current news. All clubs and organizations associated with our district are strongly encouraged to submit news articles. If you have a news article you want to be considered for inclusion on this website, please send it to the Communications Officer.

Please follow these guidelines when submitting a news article:

  • All news articles are subject to editing.
  • All news articles must contain images sized to a minimum of 1080x1920 px.
    • One image is REQUIRED – you must submit a contextual description, for example, “Students participate in the first Student Council meeting of the school year”.
      • You may use individuals’ names, but it is not required.
    • Do not submit more than four images.
    • All images must be saved in a .jpg or .png format.
  • Include your name and contact information for follow-up.
  • News content
    • Summary of the article – this is two to three sentences summarizing the article. For example, check out the What’s New page.
    • News articles should be concise and no more than 500 words - however, exceptions may be made.
    • News articles should be about current or alumni students, teachers, or faculty.
    • Feel free to write about your proud moments!
    • Articles should be of interest to our PBTISD community.
    • If the article is not directly about our school, it should be about the surrounding geographic area, and must not promote businesses, religions, or charities.
    • All the content must adhere to our ethics and must not go against any of our code of conduct policies.
    • Most importantly, the article must be fun!

Please direct all questions to the Communications Officer.

A list of current news items is found on the What's New and on the Home page.  To view older news items, please visit the Archived News.

Inspiring and Empowering for Excellence