Lone Star Governance

In July 2022, the PBTISD Board of Trustees passed a resolution to implement and embark on the Texas Education Agency’s Lone Star Governance initiative. Lone Star Governance (LSG) is founded on research and is a continuous improvement model for governing teams-boards in collaboration with their superintendents. LSG is focused intensely on one sole objective: improving student outcomes/success.

LSG accomplishes the intense focus through tailored coaching aligned to the five pillars of the Texas Framework for School Board Development: Vision and Goals, Systems and Processes, Progress and Accountability, Advocacy and Engagement, and Synergy and Teamwork. In addition to the primary focus on improving student outcomes, LSG provides systems for governing legal and fiscal responsibilities.

Lone Star Governance Chart

Board Constraints 

  • The Board shall not publicly criticize any decision made by the school board and administration. 

  • The Board shall not be involved in day-to-day operations

  • The Board shall not make decisions based on adult conviniences over student needs 

  • The Board shall not make decisions impacting student outcomes without being well-trained, informed, and prepared.


2022-2027 Board Goals

  1. The percentage of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 32% to 52% by June 2027. 

  2. The percentage of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 28% to 43% by June 2027. 

  3.  The percentage of graduates that meet the criteria for CCMR will increase from 66% to 81% by August 2027.

  4. The percentage of students who graduate within four years will increase from 90.3% to 95% by August 2027.

Superintendent Constraints 

  1. The Superintendent shall not allow safety and security initiatives to be a secondary priority.

  2. The Superintendent shall not allow the collaborative partnership between home, school, and community to deteriorate.

  3. The Superintendent shall not allow irresponsible financial practices.

  4. The Superintendent shall not allow adult conveniences to take preference over students' academic progress.


Inspiring and Empowering for Excellence